How Tall is Lauren Boebert? The Height of the Gun-Toting Congresswoman

Lauren Boebert is a Republican politician who represents Colorados 3rd congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives. She is also a business owner and a gun rights activist who has gained national attention for her outspoken views and controversial actions. But how tall is Lauren Boebert? And does her height matter in her political

Lauren Boebert is a Republican politician who represents Colorado’s 3rd congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives. She is also a business owner and a gun rights activist who has gained national attention for her outspoken views and controversial actions. But how tall is Lauren Boebert? And does her height matter in her political career?

Lauren Boebert’s Height

According to Dreshare, Lauren Boebert’s height is 5 feet 4 inches or 1.62 meters. She has a medium build and a weight of approximately 130 pounds or 59 kg. She has brown hair and brown eyes, and she often wears glasses.

Lauren Boebert’s height is slightly below the average height for American women, which is 5 feet 3.7 inches or 1.61 meters according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, her height does not seem to affect her confidence or charisma, as she is known for being bold and outspoken in her political views and actions.

Lauren Boebert’s Political Career

Lauren Boebert started her political career in 2019, when she confronted then-Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke at a town hall meeting in Aurora, Colorado. She challenged his proposal to ban assault weapons, saying “Hell no, you’re not going to take our guns”. This incident made her a viral sensation among conservative circles and earned her the nickname “Hell No Boebert”.

In 2020, Lauren Boebert decided to run for Congress against incumbent Republican Scott Tipton, who had been endorsed by President Donald Trump. She ran on a platform of being pro-gun, pro-life, pro-freedom, and pro-Trump. She also expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy theory, which claims that Trump is fighting a secret war against a global cabal of satanic pedophiles. She later distanced herself from QAnon after winning the Republican primary.

In the general election, Lauren Boebert faced Democrat Diane Mitsch Bush, a former state legislator and professor. Despite being outspent by her opponent, Boebert won the election by six percentage points, becoming the first woman to represent Colorado’s 3rd district.

Lauren Boebert’s Controversies

Since taking office in January 2021, Lauren Boebert has been involved in several controversies that have drawn criticism from both Democrats and Republicans. Some of these controversies include:

  • Refusing to comply with the metal detectors installed at the Capitol after the January 6 riot, and insisting on carrying her Glock handgun inside the building.
  • Tweeting about the location of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the riot, which some accused of aiding the insurrectionists.
  • Opposing the certification of Joe Biden’s electoral victory, and objecting to the results from Arizona and Pennsylvania.
  • Comparing the COVID-19 restrictions to Nazi Germany, and defying the public health orders in her restaurant.
  • Being accused of campaign finance violations, such as using campaign funds for personal expenses and accepting excessive contributions.
  • Facing calls for investigation and resignation from various groups and individuals, including former Colorado governor John Hickenlooper, former U.S. representative Gabrielle Giffords, and several ethics watchdogs.


Lauren Boebert is one of the most controversial and polarizing figures in American politics today. She is known for her staunch support of gun rights, her loyalty to Donald Trump, and her involvement in various scandals. Her height is 5 feet 4 inches or 1.62 meters, which is slightly below the average for American women. However, her height does not seem to affect her political ambitions or influence, as she has risen to prominence in a short span of time.

