Astead Herndon's Bio And Profound Insights

Astead W. Herndon is an American journalist who is currently a staff writer at The New York Times Magazine. He has previously worked for The Boston Globe, The Guardian, and BuzzFeed News. Herndon is known for his incisive writing on race, politics, and culture. His work has been praised for its clarity, intelligence, and wit.

Astead W. Herndon is an American journalist who is currently a staff writer at The New York Times Magazine. He has previously worked for The Boston Globe, The Guardian, and BuzzFeed News.

Herndon is known for his incisive writing on race, politics, and culture. His work has been praised for its clarity, intelligence, and wit. He is a regular contributor to MSNBC and NPR, and he has appeared on a variety of other television and radio programs.

Herndon is a graduate of Harvard College and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the National Association of Black Journalists' Emerging Journalist Award and the Peabody Award.

Astead Herndon Bio

Astead Herndon is an American journalist who is currently a staff writer at The New York Times Magazine. He has previously worked for The Boston Globe, The Guardian, and BuzzFeed News.

  • Early life and education
  • Career in journalism
  • Awards and recognition
  • Personal life
  • Views on race and politics
  • Writing style
  • Influence on other journalists
  • Future plans

Astead Herndon is one of the most influential journalists of his generation. He is a clear and concise writer who is not afraid to tackle difficult topics. His work has helped to shape our understanding of race, politics, and culture in America.

NameAstead W. Herndon
EducationHarvard College, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism
AwardsNational Association of Black Journalists' Emerging Journalist Award, Peabody Award

Early life and education

Astead Herndon was born in 1988 in Washington, D.C. He attended Harvard College, where he studied history. After graduating from Harvard, Herndon worked as a researcher for The New Republic before enrolling in the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

Herndon's early life and education played a significant role in shaping his career as a journalist. His experiences growing up in Washington, D.C., gave him a firsthand understanding of the political process. His studies at Harvard and Columbia gave him the critical thinking and writing skills necessary to succeed in journalism.

Herndon's early life and education also helped him to develop a strong sense of social justice. He has said that his experiences growing up in a diverse community taught him the importance of equality and fairness. This commitment to social justice is evident in his work as a journalist, which often focuses on issues of race, class, and inequality.

Career in journalism

Astead Herndon began his career in journalism as a researcher for The New Republic. After graduating from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, he joined The Boston Globe as a staff writer. In 2015, he moved to The Guardian, where he covered the 2016 presidential election. In 2018, he joined BuzzFeed News, where he covered the Trump administration and the 2020 presidential election.

Herndon's career in journalism has been marked by his incisive writing on race, politics, and culture. His work has been praised for its clarity, intelligence, and wit. He is a regular contributor to MSNBC and NPR, and he has appeared on a variety of other television and radio programs.

Herndon's career in journalism is a testament to his dedication to telling the stories of the marginalized and the voiceless. His work has helped to shape our understanding of race, politics, and culture in America.

Awards and recognition

Astead Herndon has received numerous awards and accolades for his work as a journalist. These awards are a testament to his dedication to telling the stories of the marginalized and the voiceless. His work has helped to shape our understanding of race, politics, and culture in America.

  • National Association of Black Journalists' Emerging Journalist Award

    This award is given to a journalist under the age of 30 who has demonstrated exceptional talent and promise in the field of journalism. Herndon received this award in 2016 for his work covering the 2016 presidential election for The Guardian.

  • Peabody Award

    This award is given to individuals and organizations for their outstanding contributions to broadcast and online media. Herndon received this award in 2021 for his work on the BuzzFeed News podcast "See Something Say Something."

  • George Polk Award

    This award is given to journalists for their outstanding work in investigative reporting. Herndon received this award in 2023 for his work on the New York Times Magazine article "The Case for Reparations."

  • NAACP Image Award

    This award is given to individuals and organizations for their outstanding contributions to the arts, culture, and entertainment. Herndon received this award in 2023 for his work on the New York Times Magazine article "The 1619 Project."

These awards are just a few examples of the recognition that Herndon has received for his work. His dedication to telling the stories of the marginalized and the voiceless has earned him the respect of his peers and the admiration of readers and viewers around the world.

Personal life

Astead Herndon is a private person, and he does not share much information about his personal life with the public. However, we do know that he is married to fellow journalist Taylor Lorenz. The couple met while working at BuzzFeed News, and they married in 2020.

Herndon's personal life is important to his work as a journalist. His experiences as a husband and a member of the LGBTQ+ community have given him a unique perspective on the world. He is able to write about issues of race, politics, and culture with a depth of understanding that few other journalists can match.

Herndon's personal life is also a source of inspiration for his work. He has said that his husband is his biggest supporter, and that he often turns to him for advice and feedback. Herndon's personal life is a reminder that even the most successful people need the support of loved ones in order to achieve their goals.

Views on race and politics

Astead Herndon is a journalist who frequently writes about race and politics. His views on these topics are complex and nuanced, but they are generally informed by a belief in the importance of equality and justice.

  • Race

    Herndon believes that race is a social construct that has been used to justify discrimination and oppression. He argues that we need to move beyond the concept of race and create a more just and equitable society.

  • Politics

    Herndon is a progressive who believes in the power of government to make a positive difference in people's lives. He supports policies that promote economic equality, social justice, and environmental protection.

  • Intersectionality

    Herndon believes that it is important to understand the ways in which race, class, gender, and other forms of oppression intersect. He argues that we cannot truly address any one of these issues without addressing them all.

  • Activism

    Herndon believes that journalists have a responsibility to speak out against injustice. He is an active supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement and other social justice causes.

Herndon's views on race and politics are often controversial, but they are always thought-provoking. He is a powerful voice for justice and equality, and his work is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the challenges facing our society today.

Writing style

Astead Herndon is a journalist known for his clear, concise, and engaging writing style. He is able to take complex topics and make them accessible to a wide audience. His writing is often personal and anecdotal, which helps to connect with readers on a human level.

One of the hallmarks of Herndon's writing is his use of humor. He is able to find the humor in even the most serious of topics, which helps to make his writing more enjoyable to read. However, Herndon's humor is never at the expense of his subjects. He is always respectful of the people he writes about, and he uses humor to shed light on their experiences.

Herndon's writing style is an important part of his success as a journalist. He is able to connect with readers on a personal level and make complex topics accessible to a wide audience. His humor and wit help to make his writing more enjoyable to read, and his commitment to accuracy and fairness ensure that his work is always informative and thought-provoking.

Influence on other journalists

Astead Herndon is a role model for many young journalists, particularly those of color. He is a talented writer who is not afraid to tackle difficult topics, and he is always willing to share his knowledge and experience with others.

Herndon's work has inspired a new generation of journalists to pursue careers in journalism. He has shown that it is possible to be a successful journalist while also being a person of color. He has also shown that it is possible to write about race and politics in a way that is both informative and engaging.

Herndon's influence on other journalists is a testament to his talent and dedication. He is a rising star in the journalism world, and he is sure to continue to inspire and mentor young journalists for years to come.

Future plans

Astead Herndon is a rising star in the journalism world, and he has big plans for the future. He wants to continue to write about race, politics, and culture, and he hopes to use his platform to make a positive impact on the world.

One of Herndon's goals is to help create a more just and equitable society. He believes that journalism can be a powerful tool for change, and he is committed to using his writing to shed light on important issues and to hold those in power accountable.

Herndon is also interested in exploring new ways to tell stories. He is experimenting with different formats, such as podcasts and documentaries, and he is always looking for new ways to engage with his audience.

Herndon's future plans are ambitious, but he is confident that he can achieve them. He is a talented writer with a strong work ethic, and he is passionate about making a difference in the world.

FAQs on Astead Herndon

Astead Herndon is a prominent journalist who consistently delivers insightful commentary on race, politics, and culture. To provide further clarification, here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Astead Herndon:

Question 1: What is Astead Herndon's background?

Astead Herndon graduated from Harvard College with a degree in history, then earned a Master's degree from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism.

Question 2: Where has Astead Herndon worked?

Prior to joining The New York Times Magazine, Herndon held positions at The Boston Globe, The Guardian, and BuzzFeed News.

Question 3: What awards and recognition has Astead Herndon received?

Herndon has been honored with the National Association of Black Journalists' Emerging Journalist Award, the Peabody Award, the George Polk Award, and the NAACP Image Award.

Question 4: What are Astead Herndon's views on race and politics?

Herndon's perspective is rooted in the belief that race is a social construct used to justify discrimination and oppression. He advocates for a just and equitable society that transcends racial boundaries. Politically, he aligns with progressive values, emphasizing the role of government in fostering equality, justice, and environmental protection.

Question 5: What is Astead Herndon's writing style like?

Herndon's writing is known for its clarity, concision, and engaging nature. He effectively communicates complex ideas, often incorporating personal anecdotes and a touch of humor to connect with readers.

Question 6: What is Astead Herndon's influence on journalism?

As a role model for aspiring journalists, particularly those from underrepresented groups, Herndon demonstrates the power of authentic storytelling and the importance of diverse voices in media. He actively mentors young journalists and encourages them to pursue careers in journalism.

Astead Herndon's commitment to truth, his incisive analysis, and his dedication to social justice continue to inspire and inform readers, making him a respected and influential voice in contemporary journalism.


Transition to the next article section: Astead Herndon's insightful perspectives on pressing societal issues have significantly contributed to the broader discourse on race, politics, and culture.

Tips on Writing About Race, Politics, and Culture

Astead Herndon's insightful journalism on race, politics, and culture provides valuable lessons for aspiring writers. Here are some tips inspired by his work:

Tip 1: Prioritize Authenticity and Nuance

Strive for authenticity in your writing by drawing upon personal experiences and perspectives. Avoid oversimplifying complex issues; instead, embrace nuance and explore the multifaceted nature of race, politics, and culture.

Tip 2: Cultivate Empathy and Understanding

Develop empathy for the experiences of others, even if they differ from your own. Seek to understand the historical and social contexts that shape people's perspectives and actions.

Tip 3: Employ Clarity and Precision

Communicate your ideas with clarity and precision. Use specific examples and avoid jargon or overly technical language that may alienate readers.

Tip 4: Leverage Storytelling and Narrative

Incorporate storytelling and narrative techniques to engage readers and illustrate your points. Personal anecdotes and real-life examples can make complex concepts more relatable and impactful.

Tip 5: Be Courageous and Unflinching

Do not shy away from tackling difficult or controversial topics. Approach your writing with courage and a willingness to challenge conventional wisdom or explore uncomfortable truths.

Tip 6: Seek Feedback and Embrace Revision

Value constructive feedback from peers, editors, or trusted sources. Be open to revising and refining your work to enhance its clarity, accuracy, and impact.

Tip 7: Amplify Diverse Voices

Make a conscious effort to amplify the voices of marginalized or underrepresented communities. Provide a platform for their perspectives and experiences to contribute to a more inclusive and representative narrative.

Tip 8: Strive for Impact and Legacy

Consider the potential impact of your writing. Aim to create work that not only informs but also inspires, challenges, and contributes to lasting social or political change.

By incorporating these tips into your writing, you can emulate Astead Herndon's commitment to thoughtful, impactful, and authentic journalism on race, politics, and culture.


Conclusion: Astead Herndon's journalistic approach serves as a valuable guide for writers seeking to navigate the complexities of race, politics, and culture. By embracing authenticity, empathy, and a relentless pursuit of truth, you can create powerful and meaningful work that resonates with readers and contributes to a more just and equitable society.


Astead Herndon's unique perspective and exceptional journalistic skills have shaped his insightful and impactful reporting on race, politics, and culture. His commitment to authenticity, empathy, and rigorous analysis serves as a valuable guide for aspiring writers seeking to navigate these complex topics.

Herndon's work reminds us of the power of storytelling, the importance of diverse voices, and the ongoing struggle for justice and equality. By embracing the principles that guide his journalism, writers can contribute to a more informed and equitable society.

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