Who is Alex Dimitrijevic? Charlize Theron spotted holding hands with model in Los Angeles

Actress Charlize Theron and model Alex Dimitrijevic were recently spotted holding hands at a restaurant in Los Angeles. Alex is a model from Los Angeles and has worked for different brands. Charlize and Alex reportedly met each other at an event. A few pictures from the duo's LA outing also went viral on social media.

Actress Charlize Theron and model Alex Dimitrijevic were recently spotted holding hands at a restaurant in Los Angeles. Alex is a model from Los Angeles and has worked for different brands. Charlize and Alex reportedly met each other at an event. A few pictures from the duo's LA outing also went viral on social media.

In them, Theron was seen in a burgundy v-neck sweater with khaki pants, brown sandals, black sunglasses, and a Dior bag to complete her look. Dimitrijevic, on the other hand, was seen in a yellow Avanti Silk Hawaiian Aloha shirt, blue jeans, and beige shoes.

The reason behind Charlize Theron and Alex Dimitrijevic's meeting has not been revealed yet and their representatives have not commented on the same thus far.

Alex Dimitrijivec is a model from Los Angeles

Alex Dimitrijivec is a model who is represented by the agency, Next Models. His modeling work has been featured on his website and although it is linked to an Instagram account, the account is currently deactivated. Alex's LinkedIn profile states that he studied Sociology at UC Santa Barbara.

He started his career as a producer and unit production manager for Viacom in 2000. He then joined Dutch, LLC as a concept designer in 2009 and AG Jeans as a design director in 2013. Alex came to Assembled Brands as a design director in 2015 and left it in 2017. He is the founder of Ivan Alexander, which is a men's underwear company.

The 46-year-old worked as a design director and art director from 2021 to 2022 for Malbon Golf. Alex is also the co-founder of Undrtone Sport, a women's activewear company. He then joined Ettitude as a head of production design and Short Par 4 as a design director. His LinkedIn bio reads as follows:

"Have a true passion for retail, fashion, photography, casting and design as well as being a true conceptual thought-leader. Partner with creative team leads (digital, copy, production) to identify the right frameworks needed to ensure the team has the time, tools, and process to facilitate impactful work."

It also mentions that he has worked with brand marketing, product, and key stakeholders to ensure that the creative output is the best alongside the maintenance of brand standards and innovation.

Charlize Theron spoke about her love life back in 2020

Charlize Theron said that she loves herself (Image via Stephane Cardinale/Getty Images)

Charlize Theron appeared on Diane Von Furstenberg's Spotify podcast InCharge with DVF in 2020 and spoke about her love life, saying that she is in a relationship with herself. The statement was in response to a moment when her daughters told her that she needs a boyfriend. She continued:

"And I said, 'Actually, I don't. Right now, I feel really good,' and she's like, 'You know what, mom? You just need a boyfriend, you need a relationship!'"

Theron said she told her daughter that she is currently in a relationship with herself. She mentioned that her daughter had a look in the eye which seemed like she was not ready to accept that what her mother said was a possibility. She added:

"Her mind was blown. But, I know that was the day that she realized there's a different The 47-year-old is known for her performances in films like The Cider House Rules, Hancock, Mad Max: Fury of the Road, The Fate of the Furious, and more.

Charlize Theron has been romantically linked to some popular faces in the past, which include Craig Bierko, Stephan Jenkins, Stuart Townsend, and Sean Penn. The 47-year-old is known for her performances in films like The Cider House Rules, Hancock, Mad Max: Fury of the Road, The Fate of the Furious, and more.

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