S25: Lindsey Stirling: Dancing From Head to Bow - Dancing With The Stars

Agree that that some of Chelsea's dances belong among the best Mark has produced for this show. He was rightly nominated for an Emmy that season. And I think they were a good pairing in general. But Mark's attitude that season wasn't so awesome. Like, I can understand why it happened (you have a breakthrough

Agree that that some of Chelsea's dances belong among the best Mark has produced for this show. He was rightly nominated for an Emmy that season. And I think they were a good pairing in general. But Mark's attitude that season wasn't so awesome. Like, I can understand why it happened (you have a breakthrough as a choreographer and are producing some of the best stuff of your career so far....and the judges are bashing you for it in front of millions of viewers every week, while praising you for your brilliance in private. It has to be super frustrating. Derek has told similar stories.), but it sure was annoying to watch. And that freestyle is perhaps the worst thing he's ever done on DWTS IMO, such a self-indulgent mess.

What all of that did for Chelsea, I'm not sure. Yeah, she was the best dancer. But when was that ever relevant? I have the suspicion that with another pro perhaps she would have faded into the background as just another Disney kid, pleasant but generic?  So Mark might have turned some viewers off her, but otoh he also made her memorable and she was a stand-out performance every week. Here we are, years later still talking about it. (-;

I'm excited what they'll produce together with Lindsey. Hopefully they won't push the "edgy" narrative too hard. If Mark never says "out of the box" ever again, I wouldn't mind. (-;

