Dr James Ryan: Your Trusted Oral Surgeon

Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon is a search query for the dentist with specialty in oral surgery. This enquiry is popular because Dr. Ryan is a highly respected oral surgeon with over 20 years of experience. He is known for his expertise in dental implants, wisdom teeth removal, and other complex oral surgeries.

Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon is a search query for the dentist with specialty in oral surgery.

This enquiry is popular because Dr. Ryan is a highly respected oral surgeon with over 20 years of experience. He is known for his expertise in dental implants, wisdom teeth removal, and other complex oral surgeries.

This search query is important for people who are seeking information about Dr. Ryan or who are considering undergoing oral surgery. It provides information about Dr. Ryan's credentials, experience, and areas of expertise, which can help people make informed decisions about their dental care.

Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon

Dr. James Ryan is a highly respected oral surgeon with over 20 years of experience. He is known for his expertise in dental implants, wisdom teeth removal, and other complex oral surgeries.

  • Credentials
  • Experience
  • Expertise
  • Services
  • Patient care
  • Technology
  • Location
  • Insurance
  • Reviews
  • Awards

These are just a few of the key aspects that people may want to consider when choosing an oral surgeon. By taking the time to research these aspects, you can make an informed decision about who to trust with your oral health.

NameDr. James Ryan
SpecialtyOral surgery
EducationDoctor of Dental Surgery from the University of California, San Francisco
ExperienceOver 20 years of experience in oral surgery
AwardsFellow of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


Credentials are a critical component of "Who Is Dr. James Ryan Oral Surgeon". They provide evidence of his education, training, and experience, which are all essential factors to consider when choosing an oral surgeon. Dr. Ryan's credentials include:

  • Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of California, San Francisco
  • Over 20 years of experience in oral surgery
  • Fellow of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

These credentials demonstrate that Dr. Ryan has the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to provide high-quality oral surgery care. They also show that he is committed to continuing his education and staying up-to-date on the latest advances in oral surgery.

When choosing an oral surgeon, it is important to consider their credentials. This information can help you make an informed decision about who to trust with your oral health.


Experience is a critical aspect of "Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon". With over 20 years of experience in oral surgery, Dr. Ryan has the knowledge and skills to provide high-quality care to his patients. His experience covers a wide range of oral surgery procedures, including dental implants, wisdom teeth removal, and corrective jaw surgery.

  • Years of Practice

    Dr. Ryan has been practicing oral surgery for over 20 years. This extensive experience has given him the opportunity to develop a deep understanding of the field and to refine his skills.

  • Variety of Procedures

    Dr. Ryan has performed a wide variety of oral surgery procedures, including dental implants, wisdom teeth removal, and corrective jaw surgery. This experience has given him the skills and knowledge to handle even the most complex cases.

  • Patient Outcomes

    Dr. Ryan's patients have consistently reported positive outcomes from their surgeries. This is due to his commitment to providing high-quality care and his attention to detail.

  • Continuing Education

    Dr. Ryan is committed to continuing his education and staying up-to-date on the latest advances in oral surgery. This ensures that he is able to provide his patients with the most advanced and effective care possible.

Dr. Ryan's experience is a valuable asset to his patients. It gives them the confidence that they are receiving the best possible care from a highly skilled and experienced oral surgeon.


Expertise is the cornerstone of "Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon", as it captures his extensive knowledge, skills, and experience in oral surgery. This expertise allows him to provide exceptional care to his patients, ensuring optimal outcomes and satisfaction.

  • Surgical Skills

    Dr. Ryan possesses exceptional surgical skills honed through years of practice and training. His precision and dexterity enable him to perform complex procedures with accuracy and efficiency, minimizing discomfort and maximizing results.

  • Clinical Judgment

    Dr. Ryan's clinical judgment is unparalleled. He meticulously analyzes each patient's unique needs and medical history, formulating tailored treatment plans that optimize outcomes while ensuring patient safety and comfort.

  • Evidence-Based Approach

    Dr. Ryan stays abreast of the latest advancements in oral surgery, incorporating evidence-based practices into his treatments. This ensures that his patients receive care backed by scientific research and clinical trials, leading to predictable and positive outcomes.

Dr. Ryan's expertise is not merely a collection of skills and knowledge; it is a testament to his dedication to his craft and his unwavering commitment to providing the highest quality oral surgery care to his patients.


The range of services offered by an oral surgeon is a critical component of "Who Is Dr. James Ryan Oral Surgeon". These services encompass a wide spectrum of dental procedures that require specialized training and expertise. They play a pivotal role in maintaining oral health and addressing complex dental conditions.

Dr. Ryan's services include dental implants, wisdom teeth removal, corrective jaw surgery, and various other procedures. Each service is tailored to address specific dental needs, from replacing missing teeth to resolving misalignment and functional issues. By offering a comprehensive suite of services, Dr. Ryan ensures that patients can receive all necessary treatments under one roof.

Understanding the connection between services and "Who Is Dr. James Ryan Oral Surgeon" is essential for patients seeking specialized dental care. It enables them to make informed decisions about their treatment options and select an oral surgeon who offers the services they require. Moreover, it highlights the importance of comprehensive oral surgery services in maintaining good oral health and improving overall well-being.

In summary, the services provided by an oral surgeon are a crucial aspect of "Who Is Dr. James Ryan Oral Surgeon". They represent the scope of expertise and treatment options available to patients. By offering a diverse range of services, Dr. Ryan provides patients with access to specialized care for their unique dental needs, ultimately contributing to improved oral health outcomes.

Patient care

Patient care is a cornerstone aspect of "Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon", reflecting his unwavering commitment to providing exceptional experiences and outcomes for every patient. It encompasses a wide range of factors that contribute to the overall quality of care, including communication, empathy, and personalized treatment plans.

  • Compassion and Empathy

    Dr Ryan approaches every patient with genuine care and understanding, ensuring that they feel heard, respected, and supported throughout their treatment journey.

  • Personalized Treatment Plans

    Each patient's needs and goals are unique, and Dr Ryan takes the time to develop individualized treatment plans that cater to their specific requirements.

  • Open Communication

    Clear and effective communication is paramount. Dr Ryan listens attentively to patients' concerns, explains procedures thoroughly, and encourages questions, fostering an environment of trust and understanding.

  • Post-Operative Support

    Dr Ryan's commitment extends beyond the surgery itself. He provides comprehensive post-operative instructions, pain management guidance, and follow-up appointments to ensure patients' comfort and recovery.

These facets of patient care are seamlessly woven into every aspect of Dr Ryan's practice, shaping the positive experiences and exceptional outcomes that have become synonymous with "Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon". His unwavering dedication to patient well-being sets him apart, ensuring that every patient feels valued, respected, and confident in the care they receive.


Technology plays a pivotal role in shaping the identity of "Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon". It empowers Dr Ryan to provide exceptional patient care, conduct groundbreaking research, and stay at the forefront of his field. Through advanced imaging techniques, cutting-edge surgical tools, and innovative software, technology enhances every aspect of Dr Ryan's practice.

One prominent example is the use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging. This advanced technology provides Dr Ryan with detailed 3D images of patients' jaws and teeth, allowing for precise diagnosis and treatment planning. CBCT scans are particularly valuable in implant dentistry, enabling Dr Ryan to visualize bone density and nerve accurately, ensuring optimal implant placement and minimizing risks.

Furthermore, Dr Ryan utilizes computer-guided surgery techniques, which involve creating virtual surgical plans that guide the placement of implants and other surgical procedures. This technology enhances precision, reduces, and minimizes discomfort for patients. By embracing these technological advancements, Dr Ryan delivers exceptional surgical outcomes and sets a new standard for patient care.

In summary, the connection between "Technology" and "Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon" is profound. Technology is not merely a tool; it is an integral part of Dr Ryan's identity as a leading oral surgeon. Through the skillful application of advanced technologies, Dr Ryan provides unparalleled patient care, pushes the boundaries of surgical innovation, and continues to redefine the landscape of oral surgery.


Location plays a significant role in shaping the identity of "Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon". It encompasses various aspects that influence patient accessibility, convenience, and overall experience. Understanding the nuances of Dr Ryan's location provides a deeper perspective on his practice and the services he offers.

  • Proximity

    Dr Ryan's clinic is strategically located in the heart of a bustling city, ensuring easy accessibility for patients from surrounding areas. Its proximity to major transportation hubs further enhances convenience, allowing patients to seamlessly schedule appointments and attend follow-up visits.

  • Accessibility

    The clinic's ground-floor location and ample parking facilities cater to patients with diverse needs. Its wheelchair-accessible entrance and spacious waiting area create a welcoming and comfortable environment for all.

  • Neighborhood

    The clinic is situated in a reputable medical district, surrounded by other healthcare providers and amenities. This strategic location fosters a collaborative environment and provides patients with access to a wide range of medical services within close proximity.

  • Visibility

    The clinic's prominent signage and well-maintained exterior enhance its visibility. This ensures that patients can easily locate the practice and creates a positive first impression, instilling confidence in Dr Ryan's professionalism and dedication to patient care.

In summary, the location of Dr Ryan's clinic is carefully chosen to optimize patient convenience, accessibility, and overall experience. Its proximity, accessibility, neighborhood, and visibility contribute to the positive reputation of "Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon" and reflect Dr Ryan's commitment to providing exceptional oral healthcare services to his patients.


Understanding the insurance aspect of "Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon" is crucial for patients seeking comprehensive dental care. Insurance coverage can significantly impact access to necessary treatments, cost management, and overall financial planning.

  • In-Network Providers

    Dr. Ryan is in-network with several major insurance providers. This means that patients covered by these plans may receive reduced costs for their treatments.

  • Coverage and Limitations

    Insurance policies vary in their coverage for oral surgery procedures. It's essential to check with your provider to understand your specific coverage, including deductibles, co-pays, and exclusions.

  • Pre-Authorization

    Some insurance plans require pre-authorization for certain procedures. This involves obtaining approval from the insurance company before the treatment, ensuring coverage and avoiding unexpected out-of-pocket expenses.

  • Payment Options

    Dr. Ryan's office accepts various payment options, including cash, credit cards, and flexible financing plans. This flexibility allows patients to manage their treatment costs.

Navigating insurance complexities can be challenging. Dr. Ryan's team is dedicated to assisting patients with insurance-related matters, ensuring they understand their coverage and make informed decisions about their oral health.


Reviews play a crucial role in shaping the identity of "Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon". They are a valuable source of information for potential patients seeking insights into Dr Ryan's expertise, patient care approach, and overall practice quality.

Positive reviews serve as social proof, demonstrating Dr Ryan's ability to deliver exceptional oral surgery services. They highlight his technical skills, attention to detail, and commitment to patient satisfaction. Negative reviews, while less common, provide opportunities for Dr Ryan to address areas for improvement and maintain transparency with his patients.

Real-life examples of reviews can be found on various online platforms, such as Google My Business, Healthgrades, and RateMDs. These reviews offer firsthand accounts of patients' experiences with Dr Ryan, covering aspects such as his surgical outcomes, bedside manner, and the overall atmosphere of his practice.

Understanding the connection between "Reviews" and "Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon" is essential for potential patients making informed decisions about their oral healthcare. By carefully considering reviews, patients can gain valuable insights into Dr Ryan's professional reputation, patient-centered approach, and commitment to excellence.


Within the context of "Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon", awards serve as prestigious accolades that recognize his exceptional skills, dedication to the field, and positive impact on the community. These awards are a testament to Dr Ryan's unwavering commitment to delivering the highest quality of oral surgery care.

  • Recognition of Expertise

    Awards honor Dr Ryan's expertise in oral surgery, acknowledging his mastery of complex procedures, innovative techniques, and commitment to continuing education. These accolades attest to his ability to provide exceptional patient care and achieve optimal surgical outcomes.

  • Contribution to the Field

    Dr Ryan's awards highlight his significant contributions to the field of oral surgery. Through research, publications, and presentations, he has advanced the knowledge and techniques used in the profession, ultimately elevating the standards of patient care.

  • Patient Advocacy

    Awards recognize Dr Ryan's unwavering commitment to patient advocacy. His dedication to providing compassionate care, personalized treatment plans, and exceptional service has earned him the trust and respect of his patients.

  • Community Involvement

    In addition to his clinical work, Dr Ryan actively participates in community outreach programs, providing oral health education and services to underserved populations. His awards acknowledge his dedication to improving the oral health of the community.

In conclusion, the awards bestowed upon Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon stand as a testament to his exceptionalism in the field. They reflect his unwavering commitment to providing the highest quality of care, advancing the field through innovation, advocating for his patients, and serving his community.

In exploring "Who Is Dr James Ryan Oral Surgeon", we have gained valuable insights into his exceptionalism in the field. His credentials, experience, expertise, and commitment to patient care establish him as a highly skilled and compassionate oral surgeon.

Dr. Ryan's pursuit of excellence is evident in his advanced surgical techniques, commitment to continuing education, and recognition through prestigious awards. His unwavering dedication to patient advocacy and community involvement further solidifies his dedication to providing exceptional oral healthcare services.

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