Here's Why Amish Dolls Have No Faces

According to History 101, the Amish follow the teachings of a 16th century Swiss Anabaptist named Jakob Ammann, who broke with the Mennonite church to promote the idea of following the Bible more literally while forsaking the secular and scientific advancements of the time. As Our Pastimes notes, the Amish apply this line of thinking

According to History 101, the Amish follow the teachings of a 16th century Swiss Anabaptist named Jakob Ammann, who broke with the Mennonite church to promote the idea of following the Bible more literally while forsaking the secular and scientific advancements of the time. As Our Pastimes notes, the Amish apply this line of thinking to a passage in the Old Testament Book of Deuteronomy that forbids man from creating "graven images" or other likenesses of man. The Amish believe that all are equal in the eyes of God, that only God can create men and women, and so they tend to make sure that their dolls are featureless from top to bottom.

History 101, however, states  another reason why Amish dolls don't have faces: Some members of the Amish community believe that dolls can be possessed by demons, and these demons can come to life using the "senses" depicted on the toy. The belief that an evil spirit could watch a child playing through the doll's eyes, speak through a drawn on mouth, or grab things with a fully formed hand have kept the Amish from embellishing their dolls with such features.

